Gregor Tresher # Karottes Kitchen

Gregor Tresher guest dj mix in "Karottes Kitchen"- Sunshine Live Radio.


01. Noraj Cue - Starting Up The Machine / Happy Camper Records 02. Amberoom - Seclusian / Tau 03. Mihai Popoviciu - Travelling Without Moving / Still Hot Berlin 04. DJ Lugo & Jorge Villamizar - Deep California / New Violence Records 05. Joyce Muniz - What´s Your Name / Poker Flat Recordings 06. James Solace - Setting Sun / FourThirtyTwo 07. Jesper Dahlbäck - JD Powertools Vol II (Youandme edit) / Cutz 08. Najel Monteiro - Hot Box / Motech Records 09. Roman Poncet - Sofra / Figure • 10. Magna Pia - Narcissit / Soma Records 11. Avision - Innocence / Ellum 12. GusGus - Lifetime (Raxon rmx) / On Oroom 13. Benjamin Mull - Tuomari (Cari Lekebusch Rmx) / H-Productions 14. The Juan MacLean - Bufomania / Correspondant 15. Cristoph - Starcourt / Truesoul 16. Drunken Kong - The Tree Fix / Tronic Music 17. Juan Sanchez - Narcissus / Cocoon 18. Ejeca - Ekstac (Maya Jane Coles rmx) / Skint Records 19. Rebar - Noi Bai / Rebar 20. Bicep - Atlas / Ninja Tune

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